Thursday, November 4, 2010

ha ha ha

Damn, its been so long since anyone has written anything in this blog...

I just needed someplace to write so I thought, "hey!why not here?"

I doubt anyone will be reading this now...Its been abandoned too long but no one's to blame. Everyone needed to carry on with their lives and are everywhere around Malaysia. Its sad that people part ways but its needed in some ways...

After a few months of hanging around UKM, its sad to say that I do not really know what to say about anything. Its been like a blur because time is moving so fast, I can't really grasp on what is going on.

I've met with so many different kinds of people, people I would not mention here...

The University's like a place where every single kind of people will come together at one place for an uncommon goal...Why uncommon?because everyone is hoping for something different. We just ain't the same you know? Most of you would think University is a place for education. Well, I agree, but we just want to learn different things.

I thought I knew what I wanted to find in University but as I sit down and ponder...I don't think I really do. Its too complex in the sense that I want too many things! Sometimes too much and it becomes frustrating when you can't achieve them all.

And the people you meet!they are so different in every way! Its really hard to adjust yourself into a new environment with new people. Its frightening because you really need to think of what are you going to do since you don't really know these people. Some are easily offended, some are proud and boastful and you definitely don't want to mess with their EGO...


After all, it really boils down to what you are searching for in this place we call University
its either:
1) paper qualification
2) education
3) friends
4) network
5) skills
6) money
7) soul mate
8) and etc

Better have a heads up on what you are looking for...cuz at the end of the day, you need to know, to know it is that you really want...hmmmm

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