Friday, July 29, 2011

Because I want to

Hello my non-existing readers except for Alexis and occasionally Aaron! How are you? =)

Well, life is just an endless cycle of repeating boredom which includes a lot of facebooking, youtubing, google-ing, dota-ing,sleeping and eating. No complains there, except maybe I need to be more productive. hmmm...

I've been procrastinating a lot. Its a very contagious disease which I caught from my dog. I think... She tells me she wants to shower today but all she does is sleep. Tsk tsk...

Okay,jokes aside... I did't get it from her. I got it from Aaron. Eh? wait! What?! Yes. Its his fault. Blame him. Mwahhahaha!

Alright alright... Before this becomes a pointless post(which I think already is), lets digest something serious.

You see, there are infinite ways to die, and only one way to live.

Its really funny how life can be very fragile and how we humans are always not appreciative of it until its gone. I'm not emo. I know my post always sound emotional but this time I'm not. I'm just afraid that life is not going to be long enough for me to enjoy. Bummer...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bersih 2.0

on the 9 of july 2011, it is another historical day for malaysia. it is the rally of bersih 2.0 which is participated by more than 100,000 thousand of citizen of malaysian. the rally is about having a fair election.

to prevent this rally from occuring the government had closed down all the way to the rally point which is the stadium of merdeka. however most of the citizen manage to get in to KL (idk how they get there mayb dig a hole underground or ....) but somehow they just poofff... omg im in KL.. XD hhahaha..

it was a peaceful rally until the police shooted tear gases and shooting water canon at the citizen.. however the rally participant was so united that they did not go back after that incident but they regroup and continue the rally.

to be honest this is the first time i see malaysian are so united. the rally was participated by malay, chinese, indian, sabahan and also oversea ppl for example, australia, hong kong and many more. so many people supported this bersih thing and why the government do not approve this protest? this is a question that we should ask ourself. dont they want a clean election? or are they afraid of a clean election.

i believe that this bersih 2.0 has open up most of the ppl mind about the government and they way they treat their citizen. finally this is a video that sum up the whole rally thing. 1 person cant change the country, but together everything is possible. =)