Sunday, June 5, 2011

To Do List

Hey yo,

Being the most awesome one here, I am obliged to put together something for all of us to do. =P

Here are my suggestions on things we can do:
1) KTV (I realized the people in China loves this)
2) Movie
3) Dinner
4) Mamak
5) Pot luck (Most probably in someone's house)
6) Clubbing (Which I doubt can happen *coughALEXIScough*)
7) Vacation (Which if is happening, is going to be planned by Aaron. ;) Say Thank You people!)
9) Roll on the bed (Which I think everyone is doing everyday)

On another note, my results are coming out soon! Whens yours? Share it with us! Or at least me. =P


  1. hey hey add another 1.. make a trip to school c our teacher.. =) ITS A MUST!!!! be a grateful person wl.. hahahaha

  2. depends on which teacher. lols

  3. Yup. I also plan to. hahaha! Must we bring something for them? lol
